Friday, March 11, 2011

Root Canal Infection

Root Canal Infection
Root Canal Infection
To start the treatment your Oxford dentist will numb the affected tooth to make the treatment painless. After this a thin sheet of rubber will be stretched around the tooth to prevent any bacteria from entering the tooth or root canal infection, this is done by preventing any saliva entering the tooth as saliva contains bacteria.

Root Canal Infection
Root Canal Infection
After the rubber dam has been placed your Oxford dentistry practitioner will access the infected tooth and the tooth's nervous tissue also the root canal infection. Drilling down the Oxford dentist will reach tooth's pulp chamber. The hole will be drilled through the chewing surface for molar teeth however the hole will be drilled on the back of the tooth for a front tooth.

Root Canal Infection
Root Canal Infection
Finally your Oxford dentists will clean out any pulp from the chamber and root canals inside the tooth. This is done mainly by the use of root canal files and irrigating the tooth. The action scrapes an scrubs the sides of your tooth's root chambers, which cleans out bacteria, toxins, nerve tissue and related debris inside.